SunAn svg of a sun, used to change from light mode to dark mode.

Barre Chords

Index1Middle2Ring3Pinky4ThumbTOpen Stringo

Barre chords, are chords, that involve you to use one finger to barre accross a fret. This allows you to play open chords in different parts of the fretboard, as well as can open up fingers to hammer on and pull off other notes.

The 2 first barre chords you should learn, are the E and A shaped barre chords. They are called that, as they resemble the E and A shaped chords, but with the barre, can be played anywhere else on the neck. What chord they are, depend on where root note (red) lands. For instance an E shaped barre chord, played on the fifth fret, means the root note will be an A, making it an A major chord.

These chord are more advanced, and require more practice and finger strength to get the hang of. To make them easier it helps to practice more towards the middle of the fretboard, as their will be less string tension, and require less hand strength.

Grips with a T, mean to reach your thumb over the top of the fretboard, like Jimmy Hendrix. It may not be possible for all hand shapes. These shapes often involve smaller barres, (barring only a few strings) which can make the chord easier for some hand shapes.

Note: Use the cogwheel above to open the settings, and change the grips from right to left, or orient in a vertical position.